Of Xmas & Wookies


It's nary a week into November, and all around the stores are prepped for the sill season of yuletide cheer. Thanks to a childhood and adolescence of listening to the Dr Dimento Radio Show , I don't normally have Jingle Bells or White Christmas in my head once the Christmas season arrives. Instead I have Christmas Dragnet and my perennial favorite What Can You Get A Wookiee For Christmas (When He Already Owns A Comb?).

There's nothing worse than to be standing by the sink, washing dishes and singing that Wookie song. I should know, I've been doing it for 20 years. But it brings back fond memories (of what in particular, I have no idea) and makes me smile. So for better or worse, that is my mantle of Christmas.

Now to see how deep I can sing And he doesn't need shaving foam...




I've been studying to take the Zend PHP Certification Test, thinking it would be pretty easy since I've been writing PHP for years along with having a handful of sites running PHP without any problems. I took the self test and scored 1 out of 8. Then I went back and randomly selected answers and got 4 out of 8.

Evidently I'm stupid.

Luckily I tracked down the answers to help find out why I'm so stupid. I'm also reading through a 250 page study guide now, too.

But scoring 4 times better by randomly picking things, that's a blow to my ego right there...


Not An Update


Just for anyone checking, there won't be anything of note happening on the site this week (and maybe next week) as I get everything together to move to a new server.

To complicate things, my home PC is acting all goofy and I'm about to have to try taking out an IDE card and reinstalling Windows, followed by reinstalling a lot of drivers and sundry programs.

My life: chock full of excitement!

If I Were A Ninja


Choose a Ninja Burger Career at the Ninja Burger website.

Nite of the Widgey-Widgey


Back in January the guys came over for Get Away From Your Wife / Game Night. We played some Star Wars, we played some Robo Rally. Tonight we're going to try it again!

It's been a while since I played anything that wasn't on a computer or game console, so I'm looking forward to tonight. And not for any competition or bragging rights - tonight's more about hanging out and having fun.

At least I hope that's what it is. Unless I'm the big winner, then there'll be some bragging going on!

You can find out what happened over here!


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
Amazon (12)
antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
Battletech (1)
belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
diet (53)
dreams (7)
fallout (1)
feng shui (1)
Foundry (3)
Gale Force Nine (1)
game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
gaslands (10)
gastric sleeve (34)
Green Stuff World (2)
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hobbies (102)
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kevin smith (1)
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malifaux (2)
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mckays (1)
models (11)
mom (32)
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movies/tv/dvd (60)
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ninja division (1)
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pilonidal cyst (5)
plastcraft (2)
programming/interweb (41)
rambling (60)
random (366)
random maintenance (3)
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reaper chronoscape (32)
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ttcombat (12)
video games (51)
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work (6)
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Zombicide Invader (19)
zombie mall (23)