Just for anyone checking, there won't be anything of note happening on the site this week (and maybe next week) as I get everything together to move to a new server.
To complicate things, my home PC is acting all goofy and I'm about to have to try taking out an IDE card and reinstalling Windows, followed by reinstalling a lot of drivers and sundry programs.
My life: chock full of excitement!
Choose a Ninja Burger Career at the
Ninja Burger website.
Back in January the guys came over for Get Away From Your Wife / Game Night. We played some Star Wars, we played some Robo Rally. Tonight we're going to try it again!
It's been a while since I played anything that wasn't on a computer or game console, so I'm looking forward to tonight. And not for any competition or bragging rights - tonight's more about hanging out and having fun.
At least I hope that's what it is. Unless I'm the big winner, then there'll be some bragging going on!
You can find out what happened over here!
This is one of those posts for me and Jerry, so even though it won't make sense to the rest of the interweb, I don't care!
Today is the day that I don't talk to Jer, but I had forgotten that it was the most important day of the year until actively browsing and coming across the 'mania. Although the masthead banner changes every week, there are a couple of days that I have the graphic set to something specific. On Oct 6, there is a Vigilante graphic set to come up, and when I saw it on Oct 6 I was confused - mainly because I was pretty sure it wasn't in the current rotation of graphics set to pop-up.
A shook my head and quickly remembered that I do indeed set graphics to come up on certain days, and October is when the whole Vigilante fiasco historically happened. Yep, Oct 6 was the day. And then I laughed. I laughed because the day had slipped up on me and I had totally forgotten about it, a day that had been so crushing to me 20 years ago. I laughed because it was Saturday, and I usually don't talk to Jerry anyway, and he would never know.
I sent Jer a text message: Today is the day I don't talk to you on behalf of Adidas.
Heartless bastard.
I love health tips from Danish wrestlers:
Bear´s Power Drink :
Calculated for 140 kg. combat wight - YEAAHH ! Poor in the blender = 6 eggwhites - boiled in micro wave 2 bananas one cop of quakeroates 1/4 cop fat free youghurt 1 big teaspoone of honey ½ liter orange - aple juice or skimed milk after your taste add aboutop 2 glasses of vater Mix for ca. ½ to 1 min. till mixed Now you are ready to get in the ring with Asbjørn "Bear" Riis NB. : Important every hour of the year : Remember : Keep in Shape - Eat Healthy and Believe in Yourself !! YEAAHH !! |
Blended microwaves egg whites make me a little hesitant to try this out. But I'm all about bananas and vater! YEAAHH!!
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
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