Day Of Mourning XVII


Today is the day that I traditionally don't talk to Jer, but I think that after 17 years I'm about ready to lay my animosity aside and accept once and for all that deep down, beneath his gruff, heartless bastard of a personality that it seems only I am privy to, he's not that bad of a guy.

The reason I don't normally talk to Jer today is because it is the observed day that my favorite comic series, Vigilante came to an end with the suicied of the leading character. Alas, I was young and foolish, and took it with a heavy heart that the one comic I had been left reading since beginning my college years was now no more.

But again, I think that after 17 years I'm over it. There were 50 monthly issues and 2 annuals of the Vigilante series. I always thought it somewhat ironic that you could read one issue a week and have a complete year's worth of reading. I've thought many times of doing just that, but the thought of revisiting what seem really cool in the mid-80's might lose some luster a decade and a half later. Vigilante was never the most original series for story lines - usually 50% Death Wish/Dirty Harry, 20% Batman, and 30% other excuses to whack the bad guys. I think it would be a lot like watching Miami Vice again, but without all the pastels.

I've continued my fascination of the series over the years by collecting some of the original comic art from the series. I've managed to pick up 12 pages of the series over the past few years, which roughly means I have almost 2% of the series. I'm going to make sure that in my will, Jer gets the original pages to remember me and all the torment he caused me. I know that by that time, he'll have grand kids that will probably use them as pages to learn color on. Probably not even stay inside the lines. And use lots of pastels. Heartless bastard.


I Wonder....


When you buy breasts, like chicken breasts, shouldn't you be forced to buy them in pairs? That's the way they naturally come, after all. Then you could call a pair of breasts "a rack", like all guys secretly do. It would make more sense than a rack of lamb.

Changing Servers


I've spent the better part of 8 hours transferring files to my new server. Well, technically it's not mine, but I at least lease a portion of it each month. I switched to to take advantage of thier 3-for-1 special. It's run by the same guys that I've been dealing with for the past couple of years, so I've got some faith in them. The long part was transferring all the files I need across all the sites I'm hosting, change what's needed as far as server specific directives, and then upload the files to their new home. For the 3 websites I'm hosting on the server, I ended up downloading 298 MB, and then uploading 298 MB. I think my little cable modem was starting to smoke a little from all the transferring!

This has also given me an excuse to unveil my look for the new fall season here at Russellmania. I've had the old look and layout for the better part of the past 2 years, so I thinnk it was just time for a change. I am going to miss the old logo, though.

programming/interweb random

Scientology Personality


I have been intrigued about Scientology for years, yet never done anything about it, for better or worse. I mean, I like L. Ron Hubbards books, but I don't know how well he would serve as a religious leader.

While trying to learn a little, I found the Church of Scientology Personality Test. I guess it's supposed to help you learn how Scientology can help you help yourself. Helpfully. It's a 200 question test that you can get to by filling in about 3 pages of personal information. If you're like me, it's the personal information of a fictional version of yourself, because there's some things you just don't want everyone to know. After taking the quiz, I was given the following graph:

You're supposed to go to the nearest Church of Scientology to go over the test results in detail (the church has been mailed a copy of the details, not available online). From what I can see on the graph, I learned the following about myself:

I think this means I would make a lousy Scientologist. Or maybe they have a detailed methodology to turn my life around. Unfortunately, as my graph points out, I don't care (I can now blame everything on my proven lack of accord!)


Super Fun Link Day


This is one of those days when some of the links off Fark just caught my eye:


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
Amazon (12)
antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
Battletech (1)
belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
diet (53)
dreams (7)
fallout (1)
feng shui (1)
Foundry (3)
Gale Force Nine (1)
game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
gaslands (10)
gastric sleeve (34)
Green Stuff World (2)
Hasslefree (9)
Hero Forge (1)
hobbies (102)
Jailbirds Minis (2)
kevin smith (1)
Knight Models (2)
malifaux (2)
Marvel Crisis Protocol (2)
mckays (1)
models (11)
mom (32)
moon light (5)
movies/tv/dvd (60)
Necromunda (4)
ninja division (1)
Pathfinder Deepcuts (1)
pilonidal cyst (5)
plastcraft (2)
programming/interweb (41)
rambling (60)
random (366)
random maintenance (3)
Reaper Bones (3)
reaper chronoscape (32)
renovation/remodelling (25)
road trip (27)
salesforce (1)
sarissa precission (2)
scenery (19)
Star Wars Legion (1)
studio miniatures (3)
ttcombat (12)
video games (51)
walking dead (36)
wargame foundry (3)
work (6)
wrestling (45)
zombicide (2)
Zombicide Invader (19)
zombie mall (23)