5 more pounds in a week - that's what having protein shakes at 2 meals plus a meal of meat will do for me. This also means that since January, I managed to drop 40 pounds.
That's good, as today is surgery day. In roughly 3 hours I should be getting a Gastric Sleeve. Oddly enough, as the time has been drawing closer over the last week I've been getting less and less nervous. If you don't count having to get up a couple of times in during the night thanks to some Magnesium Citrate, I slept rather sound.
The rest of the week should be interesting. I should be back home tomorrow. At that point, everything truly is on me to see how much weight I can lose. You would think that 40 pounds is a good amount of weight to lose. Unfortunately, losing that has only gotten me back to where I started when I had success with Atkins/South Beach a few years ago (and I lost 56 pounds that time).
So, I lost 40 pounds on my own. Let's see how much surgery helps from here on out.
Today was my final visit with the bariatric surgeon before surgery on Monday. I now have a time (11:00 AM) for surgery! In addition, I got them to print me a receipt from the Scale of Doom, previously visited on January 31 (see receipt above to the left). Now I can see what difference I really made in the past 7 months.
An official loss of 28.4 pounds. That puts me smack dab in the middle of the requested 25-30 pounds to lose. Go me!
Still fat. Actually, I'm still Super Obese (BMI over 50).
Of that 28.4 pounds gone, roughly 9 pounds was pure fat.
This is the part I don't like so much, as my lean muscle mass (muscle, bones, water) dropped 19 pounds. This is the side of the weight I want to retain that makes me strong and buff!
This is the amount of water I'm carrying, so it looks like most of that lean mass that I loss was fluid. I can trick myself into accepting that for now.
Next up is all the shopping for the stuff I'll need to get ready for surgery, as well as those things I'll need right after getting back home. Luckily, Gina is familiar with the layout of Walgreens so I'm taking her on a shopping spree later tonight.
Back in February I started my path to gastric surgery at 437 pounds (according to my scale). The bariatric surgeon wanted me to lose 25-30 pounds over the next 6 months. After gaining another 4 pounds after I heard that, I started dieting in earnest and dropped to 427 after a little more than a week. 2 weeks later I was down to 417, but like any diet, that rate wouldn't last.
Between March and September, my weight has fluctuated between 409 and 423. There are times I wouldn't classify what I was eating as being "on a diet", but my target of 407 was always eluding me.
This month I reached the end of my insurance mandated 6 months of primary care physician visits focused on my weight. The paperwork was turned in to the insurance company and bariatric surgery was approved. I went to the bariatric surgeon's office and got weighed and was told I had lost 21 pounds (which would put me at 416 on my scale). Not 25-30 pounds, but not a weight loss I was chastised for. We set my surgery date for the 30th, and the nurse told me to try not to gain any weight by then.
One of the important pre-surgery items is a 2-week mostly liquid diet they recommend. Breakfast and lunch are replace by protein shakes, and dinner is 6 oz of meat with some low-carb vegetables. This should not only allow for more weight loss (this is actually the weight loss diet recommended at the beginning of the 6-month insurance watching period) but to prep your stomach for surgery - the emptier the stomach is, the better. Last week I started the above diet. Over the weekend my scales bottomed out at 406, so I've reached my pre-surgery target weight!
Tuesday I go back to the bariatric surgeon to find out (I hope) what time on the 30th my surgery is, along with whatever happens at his last-visit-before-surgery appointment.
Although I've been pretty quiet here about my upcoming surgery, I feel a sudden purge of info coming.
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When I made Zombie Mall, I thought a few people might download the game, with fewer still actually going through the process of printing out all of the components and playing a game. While I have no idea how many people have gone through that last effort, I do know that 35 have gone through the trouble of downloading at least 1 of the files for the game from the website.
Even more boggling is that half of those downloads are to countries outside of the US. I know those are thanks to links on BoardGameGeek, but how well does what I write translate to Swedish, German, or French?
This is one of those Saturdays where I don't have anywhere to be or anything needing to get done (save for some laundry - but that only takes minutes of effort every hour) and I have 0% motivation/inspiration for any of the side projects I've got going on right now.
I've got gaming minis to paint (hundreds, if you get to looking in my closet full of game stuff). Don't wanna.
I've got a web-app I've been working on for one of the games that I'm about halfway finished with. Brain don't wanna write code.
The zombie game needs another expansion to add in character attribute stats to add a layer of difficulty/fun. Brain don't wanna make up stats.
The next game needs all kind of stuff, as I've only got the 3rd iteration of a rough outline of what it is. "Making up stuff" doesn't seem to be happening today.
The main thing I don't want to do is sit in front of the computer and surf the web all day, just out of principle. There are a couple of little mindless projects around the house I could do, but right now my mobility is a little limited as I twisted my knee doing who-knows-what Thursday which caused it to swell and stiffen. A trip to the chiropopper yesterday helped, but I'm still walking gingerly so far.
I could watch some movies. I could read. I wonder what my brain thinks about those options? We'll see.
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
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