I use Amazon for most of my online purchases. For anything not food or pantry related, I normally go to Amazon. The above caught my eye today, which is that I've made 56 orders over the past 6 months. That just sounds like a lot of orders.
I have a nice little spreadsheet of my Amazon purchases that I've kept up with since 2006 (or at least kept up with purchases going back that far, since that's when I first Amazoned). I've divided my Amazon purchases into major categories over the years, and so far this how 2013 has been divided:
That "Other" is a catch-all for what doesn't fit into the norm. This year it's included protein shake mix, car trunk organizer, electric air compressor... how else would I categorize these things?
I'm fairly consistent in my Amazon purchases, too. Compare the above percentages to 2012:
I don't want to know how many orders in all I've actually made. Honest.
It's been 6 months since I've really been sick, so I guess I was about due to catch something. I'm not sure I actually "caught" anything, as I think this is just a weather-pressure-front induced cold. Thursday night I had 3 really good sneezes followed by the nasal flood gates opening. Friday and Saturday were the standard nose running alternating with being stopped up and unable to breathe, while today has been more of a hacking-up-a-lung type of day.
I'm really hoping I'm back to normal in a day or two. Sudafed is really knocking me out this time around, and I swear I'm taking hour long naps every 3-4 hours.
Today I picked up my past 3 years of medical history, which included my visits over the past 6 months specifically for my weight, and a letter from my primary physician that will now get passed along to the insurance company so they can approve me for gastric sleeve surgery.
In the past 6 months I've been going to the doctor so he will fill out the form that BC/BS wants. I've lost 25 of the 30 pounds the gastric surgeon wants me to lose. I've thought about whether or not I really want to do this. I've thought about it more than I let on.
So after 6 months I've decided that surgery is the way for me to go. I've always leaned that way, and I've only gotten more sure as time passed.
Next is the second waiting game - waiting on the insurance company. When I dropped off the paperwork at the bariatric surgeon, they said they would make copies and give them back to me at my next appointment, which I made sure that they would call me and let me know when that is. From what I've heard, insurance can take anywhere from a day to a week to approve the surgery. After approval, there's supposed to be a 2-week surgery prep time where I'm on a special diet and attend a class on how to eat after surgery.
So waiting now, but secretly planning on this whole surgery thing happening the 1st week of September (that also fits well into Gina's schedule).
For years I've thought of myself as a PHP programmer. Except for my first year as a professional programmer my job has been to make web-based applications. Whenever possible, I've done that using PHP. I like PHP. I know how it works. If there's something a web page needs to realistically do, I can make it happen the vast majority of the time armed with PHP (and a healthy dose of the Google).
My day-to-day job doesn't let me use PHP. I have to use Microsoft .NET. I don't like .NET. I tend to think it's stupid, as I have to go through lots of hoops to do what I consider simple things in PHP. I blame that on .NET coming from a Windows application framework - it gives you the Windows application approach to web applications. Since I've never made Windows applications, I think that's stupid.
While thinking it's stupid, I came to a realization. I'm not really a PHP programmer. Well, I am, but not enough to call myself one. Since starting my first programming job in 1995, I've programmed regularly in 4 languages:
Looking at my career, I've spent most of my time as a .NET developer, so I should call myself a .NET developer. But I don't. Maybe I should say "but I won't."
Over the years I've avoiding embracing .NET for all sorts of reasons. Updates to either the .NET framework or the browser you use may break something that's been working just fine. There may be a fix you can implement, but it's inevitably a pain in the ass. Having the ability to write a piece of code that will work as either a web application OR a Windows application should be a great benefit, but I've yet to see it actually implemented past some database query libraries.
The main thing that keeps me from claiming I'm a .NET developer is because I just won't take the time to keep my nose to the grindstone and learn all of the little intricacies that make it work properly, to where it will easily do what I want it to do (like I am with PHP). Why?
For the past 4 years at work, I haven't written any code from scratch. I've only modified existing code to either act a little different than originally intended, or more often than not make something work correctly that was either overlooked earlier in testing or broken by some software update. I'm not complaining (really, I'm not) - I know how a web page actually functions so I'm pretty good at tracking down some odd way .NET code is being implemented that doesn't come out right in the browser. Thankfully that's where learning during the infancy of the internet has paid off. I never thought being limited to using <table> tags to design a layout could be so beneficial later on, but knowing how HTML tags are actually parsed and rendered has become my bread and butter.
When I was working at Westar/QinetiQ, the Ala. Correctional Officer Training Academy wanted an application to print tests for the students. The application they had was an out of date DOS program which wouldn't let them edit any of the [no telling how man years old] questions. They initially wanted a program they could install on a computer which would print out what they wanted. I talked them into a web application instead, using PHP because it wouldn't make any difference to them, plus I would know how it all worked. I made a little self contained web site that I could install on an individual computer thanks to an open source webserver that could be run locally and not interfere with any other programs. There was a database to hold all the info (included with the webserver). Once of the drawbacks of the DOS program was that it only printed the tests directly (so you needed the proper printer drivers installed in DOS). I would make a version that would let them save a MS Word document, a PDF, and a plain text file, all of which could be saved off and printed wherever.
I thought it funny that while making the above application, Microsoft changed the format of their Word documents. When I started, you could make a Word document by using what was essentially modified XML tags. By the time I finished, the Word format was a compressed XML/almost web page. Luckily, since I was making everything by hand and not using any 3rd party libraries that might be updated/overwritten, the Word format I used would still work just fine once I was finished. The same goes for the PDF version I created - I made the PDF without using any tools that convert an existing format, I just used a small library that wrote some PDF "tags". Nothing to accidentally get updated or overwritten.
I finished that little test maker over 5 years ago. It works just the same today as it did when I finished it, and nobody has had to touch a bit of code. That's why I don't want to be a .NET programmer.
Over the past cople of years I haven't programmed in PHP much. I've been trying to not program during my away-from-work time as much as I used to. I was starting to feel burned out. Now I'm starting to notice it takes me a little while to ramp up to speed when I want to whip out a quick little PHP page. I feel like I'm on hte lower end of "average PHP programmer".
But give me a week or two, and I'll have a web page spitting out well formatted flawless PDFs in no time.
2 months ago I ordered some customized tokens for Zombie Mall. Unfortunately, I was disappointed once I received my order. The tokens were double sided, and the front and backs didn't match up (worse than when I initially tried). The cut lines went outside the bleed area to where the border and part of the next token was often on a token. There were valid reasons for this from the guy I ordered them from, but I would have expected to hear the reasons before he shipped the order to give me a chance to correct any of the problems instead of included in a note with my order.
The tokens weren't un-usable, they just weren't as nice as I had hoped. They also didn't feel worth the $40 getting them made + shipping + waiting 2 weeks between order submittable and shipping. I bagged up the tokens and put them in the box with the rest of the game components that have come to make up my version of the game.
This weekend I decided to try my hand at making tokens again. Originally I just applied labels to both sides of cardstock (110lb). This worked, but it didn't have the nice weight most people are used to when they pick up a game token. I'd gotten some heavier weight chipboard (just thickly layered cardboard) which had a good weight, so I would try using it instead of the cardstock. After surfing YouTube for a couple of different examples of how people make their own tokens, I had a plan!
Step 1 would be how to properly print the tokens. The chipboard was 6"x6", so I would use 1 sheet of label paper and fold it to cover the both sides of the chipboard (before I had tried to line up 2 sheets between the front and back). When laying out the tokens, I increased the bleed area and gave each token a thicker black border.
After getting the label(s) on the chipboard, Step 2 was to score cut lines with my rotary trimmer. The reason I score the lines is because the trimmer blade isn't deep enough to cut through the chipboard. One of the YouTube tutorials showed a cutter that can handle chipboard, but I started this little project on Friday and had to make do with what I had/could get locally. Plus, $225 for a cutter is one of those things that needs a little thinking about before splurging.
Step 3 required a trip to Sears before getting integrated into my process. To actually cut the chipboard (using those scored cut lines from the previous step), my best option was going to be a Craftsman Edge Utility Cutter. Basically this is a large razor blade that cuts like a pair of scissors. The blade fits into the score lines nice and smooth!
After cutting out the tokens, Step 4 was to pretty things up with a black Sharpie. One of the tricks of papercraft modeling is to go back over cut/fold lines with a black marker to cover up white paper that gets exposed. Since I was using white chipboard, but the tokens had black borders, marking up the edges of the chipboard would make things look better. In addition, for those times when my black bleed area didn't match up between the front and back, I could use the marker to fill in a little extra border.
Once it was over with Saturday night, I had re-made 328 tokens. I'm not sure how long all of this took, but based on the streaming videos I watched from Amazon Saturday I spent at least 5 hours on Saturday making the bulk of the tokens. I had other plans for my Saturday, but for me this turned out to be a nice way to spend the day. Working on game rules & components has become my odd method of relaxation over the past year.
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
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