Note to Self


This is a note to myself, because I'm going to forget what rock molds I'm looking for next time I'm at Hobby Lobby with my 40% off coupon.

Don't get:

What would I do without a web-browsable phone?

boardgames hobbies



I've had the previous version of All Things Zombie for about a year thanks to Vampifan's scenery and battle reports, but bever really looked at it. This is the first review I've seen that does a really good job of explaining how combat works.




This post will be of absolutely no interest to Jerry, as he knows all of this.

Today I had lunch with Jerry & Keith, except we don't call it "lunch". At some point in the past couple of years, we developed a short-hand for asking if anyone was available/wanted to go to lunch. We couldn't say "Anyone want to go to lunch on Thursday at the Wendy's on University? Maybe at 11:30?". We instead say "Thunch HOR 1130".

The first part is combining "Lunch" with the day of the week. So "Monday" + "Lunch" becomes "Munch". "Tuesday" + "Lunch" becomes "Tunch". "Thursday" + "Lunch" is "Thunch". Friday is an odd hold out, as it it "Frunch" instead of "Funch". I have no idea why.

The second part is location. "HOR" became the Wendy's on University thanks to the belligerant drink refill lady offering refills seemingly before we would sit down. Thanks to her, the Wendy's became the "House of Refills" which was shortened to "HOR" when texting. No other eatery has garnered an abbreviation, but we've been eating at the Chic-Fil-A on Airport enough that it deserves a special name. I'm thinking "CFAirport", but it just doesn't feel right.

I like our little lunches. They seem to pop up every 2 weeks or so (although invitations may be more frequent). We somehow manage not to talk about computers & programming the entire time.

It doesn't take much to be the social highlight of my week.


Pissed off and fixing other people's code UPDATE


Last week I was bitching about the Daz3D website and how I opened a help ticket and told them how to fix 90% of their problem. I the following reply the next day:

Your request (#136810) has been deemed solved.

David Sandberg, Apr 23 10:07 (MDT):

Hi Russell,

Thanks for this! I've passed it on to our developers who are grappling with this issue.



Today I logged into the Daz3D site and saw that the button now works in Firefox.

I've not yet received any payment, coupons, or promotional discounts for my part in this.


Pissed off and fixing other people's code


Today I feel, for some reason, like I'm being taken advantage of. Little things haev lined up, mainly things for which I paid for either a product or a service, and either I get the impression the other person feels entitled to something more (and I'm paying US currency here!) or somewhere along the way something doesn't work right.

Case in point, today I purchased some more 3D models from Daz3D. I purchased lots from them over the past decade. They've recently, since I ordered last month, tweaked the UI on the cutomer admin tools. After the initial "hey, where'd the button to download my stuff" anxiety passed, I found the proper place to download files. The only problem was that their filter for displaying products didn't work in my browser. The filter worked in IE. I don't like IE. I used IE anyway, and sent them a bug report:

Product library sort buttons & Firefox 20.0.1 don't work (can't switch from default of ascending by name). Since this is the only way to download newly ordered products, it's a royal pain to find out I just spent $50 to be a website beta tester.

Normally I don't bitch outright, but I've had a day. A couple of hours later I received a reply:

David Sandberg, Apr 22 18:15 (MDT):

Hi Russell,

Sorry about this frustrating problem. A few other users have also reported this same issue. Please try these things:

* Clear your browser's cache and cookies
* Make sure you have javascript turned on and that your browser accepts cookies from our site. Both are needed to use our site.

If you are still having this issue, please:

* Let us know the browser and version you are using. (Sometimes using another browser helps)
* provide the html that you are getting for the page. You can do this in most browsers. For example, in Chrome, you can right-click on the page and left-click 'View Page Source.' Then copy and paste the code into a text file and attach the text file to your reply.
* Your computer platform (Windows or Mac), if you haven’t already told us in your support request.
* Anything else that you can think of that may be relevant to this issue.

Best regards,


Other people have had the problem. Try doing some stupid stuff that won't work and see if it works again. OK, he's caught me on the wrong day, or maybe the right day. As it is, I track down the problem for the Daz3D IT staff. They're using JQuery to treat a <span> tag as a <select>, and there's a JavaScript error when the page loads - once JavaScript finds an error, JavaScript stops working, hence the lack of a drop down list. I sent a helpful reply:

The problem is in Firefox 20.0.1/Windows 7 (64bit). Page works fine in IE, except I loathe IE. Cleared cache, accept cookies as normal.

The following popped up in the J/S error console (and normally J/S quits working once it encounters an error, hence the <span> no longer working as a drop down list afterwards):

Timestamp: 4/22/2013 7:35:03 PM
Error: URIError: malformed URI sequence
Source File:
Line: 25

Line 25 points to the return in decoded(s):

function decoded(s) {
return decodeURIComponent(s.replace(pluses, ' '));

Looks like others have had this problem:

HTML of Product Library attached

They now know the error, where the error is, and a good lead on how to fix it. Normally I get around $60/HR for my job.

Soon after sending the above reply, I remembered when last Daz3D revamped their entire website with cooler functionality. The customer login page wouldn't work for Firefox. They just hate Firefox.


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

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