Russ Mysterioso


Brandon from work returned from his Mexican cruise with a present for me!

I now have a genuine Mexican immitation luchadore Rey Mysterio wrestling mask!

I get the coolest stuff when my coworkers leave the country! Even better - Brandon knows me well enough to get me something that I find incredibly f'n cool!!!! Why else would I pose so goofily for a picture?

I'm sure I'll be getting a call form Vince to come to work in Stamford any day now. I wonder if I should go ahead an get a finishing move? The Flying Burrito hasn't been used in a while. But I'll rename it The Flying Burrito with a side of Pain Sauce!


Unsanctioned Widgey


This past Monday Jerry, Keith, and the 2 Ford Boyz visited Casa Boonie foe our inaugural playing of the 4th Edition D&D rules. I haven't played D&D since '96, and it's the only RPG I've actually followed through on playing after I purchased the rules. Keith has been playing with the gang at Dealnews and enjoying it, so much so that he talked Jerry and I into getting the rules. Afterward he talked his kids into playing, mainly so he could DM. He's evil like that.

The game itself was nerdy enough without any important details to pass along. Keith has us running through the adventure in the back of the DM guide, which the rest of us are neglecting to read at least until this adventure is over. Suffice it to say that the adults (me and Jer, seriously) and Keith's kids were pretty much on the same level. We didn't really know what we were doing until the 3rd encounter. I, a Jamaican Dwarven Fighter, had to convince myself to rush headlong into the enemy since I was a tank with no ranged weapons.

Lord Ford has been checking the Widgey page for mention of the game and pics, but I had to tell him this is an unsanctioned event since it breaks Rule #3 of Widgey Night:

Alas, little Fordlings count. Although they brought brownies, so we may be tempted to bend the rules a little.


And the 1000th DVD is....


After expecting much hoopla in choosing which movie would become my 1000th DVD, I managed to pick it up in a sales bin at Wal-Mart for $5.00.

Hard Candy.

Oddly enough, I noticed this movie in the background of another site about a year ago.

In unrelated news, all of my paragraphs today will consist of one sentence.


A River Ran Through It


After weeks of planning, I finally made my sojourn on a Spiritus Trip, this time to Nantahala for my first rafting experience. It turned out to be a fun trip, a good trip. A trip I survived despite the 20-odd hours of driving.

Ok, it was only 4½ hours of driving, but winding mountain roads make it feel like forever.

I could go into boring you with details, but here are 6000 words worth of pictures from the end of the trip:

I'm violating the copyright of posting these pictures, but I like to think of it as saving their bandwidth. Here's a guilt-induced link to the original picture source.

I'll try to share some stories later. Right now I'm just glad to be back home.

road trip



I've ended up using YouTube for my song references, so for those of us with YouTube blocked at work, today's post makes for great at-home reading!

I've come across songs samples that I'm sure are given credit somewhere, but I haven't been bludgeoned over the head with the original source and figured a couple of things out all on my own. I'd like to share those homemade discoveries. If you've already discovered them, just silently gloat how much faster on the know you are over me.

Kid Rock - All Summer Long. This songs borrows its chorus from Lynyrd Skynyrd's "Sweet Home Alabama". It's pretty obvious and widely acknowledged. I was on the way home from Mom's and heard someone request "Kid Rock's Alabama Song" followed by a mini-discussion about Skynyrd. What I think is overlooked is the opening piano riff is "Werewolves In London" by Warren Zevon. Why isn't this Kid Rock's Alabama Werewolf song?

Thanks to watching Blue Crush last week I finally found the answer to a melody that's been bugging me for years. The synthesizer rhythm (I'm not sure what you would actually call it) in "Cherry Lips" by Garbage has always sounded familiar. Right before the end credits of Blue Crush they play "Everybody got their something" by Nikki Costa which has the same beat, just a little slower. Surprisingly, these 2 songs came out close to one another, with Nikki Costa's being released May 22, 2001, and Garbage's song released in Japan December 27, 2001.

Although I pride myself on my movie trivia skills, it's nice when some music trivia just falls into place. It makes me proud of all those years I spent working at Disc Connections (Alabama's First All-Compact Disc Store).


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
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