Kennedy McMahon Coo Coo or Crazy


Monday night on Raw, wrestlers past and present were giving their derogatory views on Vincent Kennedy McMahon. My favorite was a vignet by Superfly Jimmy Snuka and the Iron Shiek, neither of which is known for their exceptional speaking ability.

Here's a transcript of what I was able to figure out:

Vince McMahon, there's only one thing the Superfly like to tell you bruddah. I appreciate all those years witchu and you're father, but dere's one thing I want to understand that when I watch that TV I notice that something is not right bruddah. I don't know if, ah, the coo-coo bird is, ah, is wiping away there I just want to know why are you, you know, different? I don't understand, bruddah.

Iron Shiek:
What? Superfraw, I don't blame Kennedy McMahon van coo-coo or crazy. Because I watch the match and between him I said Donald Trump the richest man and all of a sudden come attacked Mr McMahon from behind. And and take him down. And cut him, double cross him, cut his hair. Dat's because he went coo-coo. I don't blame him, but still Kennedy McMahon, you play racquetball with me, your son wrestling with me. And still you are great athlete. You're Allah. You're Mohammad.

I never claimed the transcript would make sense. That's just what I heard.


Lynch Bwaa Haaa Hardee Harhar


I've been on a comedian kick of late. I saw John Pinette late one night on Comedy Central and remembered a bit he used to do (I swear) back when MTV had the ½ hour comedy hour. Still funny, just doesn't update his material very often.

On my iPod, which I enjoy listening to at work, I have a collection of Stephen Lynch's comedic stylings. If you've never heard him he's rude. He's crude. But he has a way with words that make me smile. In reading his bio, I saw this:

Lynch has a younger brother, Drew Lynch, who also writes comedic songs, and they occasionally tour together. Their parents are a former priest and a former nun...

Finding out his parents used to be a priest and a nun (is that even legal?) I suddenly have a new appreciation for where his comedy is coming from. I still wouldn't listen to him around my mom, though.




Went to the actual, physical movie theater with Gina over the weekend. This time we went to see Oceans 13. Gina, being the George Clooney fan she is, is often pleased when I take her to the feature films, especially when they feature the salt and pepper haired Clooney. As an added bonus, I thoroughly enjoyed Oceans 13. It was much better than Oceans 12, although I'm not sure how I would rate it against Oceans 11 since it's been a while since I saw it, and I remember liking it.

So, if you have a lady friend who enjoys the occasional George Clooney while you yourself are apt to watch a fairly good heist movie, it's worth the $12.50 for 2 matinée tickets. The extra $12.00 for popcorn and 2 drinks I'm not so sure about.

Later in the week: other things that happened over the weekend!

movies/tv/dvd random

People In My Way!


I'm an easy going guy. My key in life is to make it as stress free as possible. For the most part, I succeed. Every once in a blue moon, I get a little stressed, It's not big things that stress me out, it's the little nit picky things that most people ignore or quickly forget. For the past 2 days people driving in front me have been ticking me off. Not everybody, just two people. Allow me to share.

Sunday I'm coming home from my weekly jaunt to the Wal Mart for groceries and other things I don't really need. Traffic is light, but as we near the curve on the highway a half mile from my house, everyone starts slowing down. I see a state trooper stopped in the right hand lane past the curve. Something has happened and we need to get in the left lane. No problem, with this little traffic everyone is able to move over without jockying for position. The speed limit on the highway is 60. Even though traffic is light and there are no cars actually on the road ahead of the state trooper, the car ahead of me decides to slow down. To 10. At 10 we can all gawk and look at the car that's flipped into the ditch on the right, the family of 5 that's sitting on the grass to the side of the road, the state trooper that's in his car (not needed by anyone in the accident by what I can tell), and the 5 cars that have pulled off to the side of the road. Once past gawking range, the car ahead of me zooms up to 25. The one thing in my mind is "If you make me get caught by the light on the other side of this hill I'm going to run you off the road!" We make it over the hill and the car in front of me is able to make the light as it turns yellow (he's now up to 50 at least). Since any oncoming traffic is still stopped, I went ahead and ran the freshly changed red light.

This morning on the way in to work I am stopped at a red light (the last one before getting to the parking lot!) behind 4 cars. The light turns green and 3 cars go. The guy in front of me keeps looking forward, but is reaching into the backseat for something. He's reaching instead of going. Would you @%@!#ing go! He starts to pull forward, but he's racing some imaginary turtle and wants to make it close. As he pulls forward into the intersection the light turns yellow. As you can guess, I decided to run that @#%@er and stayed on his tail as he continued grabbing for god knows what in the back seat. He pulled into the 1st parking lot of another business as I went on to work.

Red lights are my bane.

Mid-to-end-of-week Update - I've been corrected by someone in Arizona (not naming names) that red lights are not my bane, but "hurry" is my bane. I started to argue that I wasn't in a hurry, but rather I didn't want to be bothered with the red lights, but that seems to be a weak and feeble argument given that I was irritated by the slow drivers in front of me before the red lights were an issue. So with that revelation I accept that my bane is indeed "hurry" as opposed to "red lights".


Memorial Chores


Over the Memorial Day extended weekend, I managed to get a couple of chores done, while missing out on a few things that I had intended on doing.

I'm ready for a vacation now.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

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