Have you ever noticed that once something goes wrong, you are more apt to notice other things that may have been wrong for a while? If so, then you can imagine what I suddenly went through over the weekend.
My freezer has been acting weird, and by weird I mean not freezing, off and on for the better part of a month. It had been warming up occasionally, but about a month ago I started testing it with a bowl of water. Some days I would look in and see a bowl of water. Some days I would look in and see a bowl of ice. I tried changing the temperature setting, but at best it only seemed to change the length of each cycle (be it water or ice). I started to then search for my paperwork and receipt for the refrigerator, since I remember buying the extended warranty but knew that once I made the phone call for service they would want proof. I found everything, but seeing that a freezer that has been acting goofy for more than a month can't be that important, I put off the phone call.
Saturday I plopped down on the couch to catch oup on some more Star Trek Enterprise. Halfway into episode 52, the finale of season 2, things started to look funny. Everything had a blue shadow. Soon things started to have an additional yellow shadow. I brought up the menu with the remote, and the top line looked like this:
My first thought was that the whatever makes the lcd projection tv project, something is out of alignment. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything in the owners manual about how to fix colors out of alignment, so I called Hitachi. Surprisingly fast, an actual human person answered and pointed me to a local approved fixit place, saying it sounded like I may just need a software upgrade. Next time I'll buy a tv with a PHP interface and I can program the damn thing myself. So, I call the fixit place and get a message telling me they're open Mon-Fri (not a lot of good on a Saturday morning). So now I will make a phone call to them bright and early Monday morning. The irony is, from looking at the Google Map of where they are, I think they are about 2 blocks from the place I bought the refrigerator from. Maybe they can carpool to come fix my crap?
Since the big boy tv was now on the fritz, I was forced to watch the smaller tv in the bedroom. It's only a 27" tv, but I swear the thing weighs about 200 lbs. It's been sitting in an entertainment armoire for about 2 years. Over those 2 years, it's been bowing the shelf it's sitting on little by little. It's gotten to the point where I've noticed it but not thought about it, until today. Suddenly it looked like the right side of the tv was about 2 inches lower than the left. Thanks to a tape measure I convinced myself it's only a ¼ inch, but now I'm starting to get paranoid.
I also have a crack in the windshield of the Explorer that's growing with every semi-major change in the temperature. The crack is down low, about even with where I would see the top of the hood, so it's not in the way. But it's there. And it's growing. And I need to get it fixed.
This Saturday is my birthday. For my birthday, I want all my shit to quit breaking. And not just on Saturday. Forever. Is that too much to ask?
I've never been much for sports, everybody that knows me knows that much. I might watch part of the Super Bowl. I occasionally get sucked into a NASCAR race, but I think that's my subconscious digging into my redneck trailer park roots taking over. With the start of the winter olympics last week, most of my normal television viewing has either been put on hold (such as normal NBC shows) or relegated to reruns (and I don't see the suspense factor of a CSI that I've already seen).
Enter the Russellmania DVD Collection ™. I've been wondering what series I should delve into, and this has given me the perfect opportunity. I had been eyeing the 2 Star Trek series that I haven't watched, and the more I thought about it, the more I was tempted to watch Enterprise. So tempted, in fact, that while the olympic opening ceremonies where on tv, I was watching the Enterprise pilot.
Over the past week (9 days?), I've managed to watch 1½ seasons of Enterprise. I've been approaching the series with an open mind, and so far I have to admit it's a little better than I was expecting. I dare say I'm enjoying it. Luckily, there's no one character that I am driven to hate (a'la the "Wesley Crusher" syndrome). Being a prequel to every other Star Trek series, there are things that you know won't happen and some things you know will. It's staying within these rules that have led my to enjoy Smallville so much. So far, those rules have been doing the same for Enterprise. Maybe they can keep it up for another 2½ seasons - or that should be about 2 weeks for me....
movies/tv/dvd random
I wasted the majority of this past weekend. I didn't clean. I barely did laundry. I stayed at home. But in my never-give-up-my-childhood mind it wasn't a completely wasted weekend.
I managed to finish a video game.
Since Christmas I've been playing Need For Speed: Most Wanted on the XBox. It's a driving game. I like the driving games, much to Jer's chagrin. The career mode in the game has a nice blend of racing and evading the police, so it's enough of a mix up that the game doesn't become too repetitive. Plus, I was trying to only play on the weekends so it wouldn't be such a timesink all of the time.
The career mode has you battle 15 other drivers to the top, requiring you to win 5 to 9 races and accomplish 4 to 6 milestones (like avoiding police roadblocks) before challenging one of those 15 drivers for their spots. Like all driving games, it's got the differnet types of cars and vehicle upgrades that everyone has come to expect. The races and challenges are hard enough to not always be easy, yet enough of a challenge to have given me a sense of accomplishment once I started beating the AI drivers up in the top 5 spots.
The part of the game that I enjoyed the most was not so much the different types of races and cars in the game, although I did appreciate them, but that the developers gave you some latitude in how to make your way to the top of the rankings. I suck at drag races in this game. I just lack the right kind of timing or something. I managed to get through the whole game and only raced 2 drag races. On top of that, I used the same car in at least 2/3 of the game. I managed to keep my original car competitive just by adding upgrades. I remember many an old driving game where you would defeat an opponent, then have to use that car to defeat the next (and with my luck it would be a drag race or something along those lines).
Now that I've finished the career mode I can still play. There are the races I skipped over that can still be played. There are all those police roadblocks to try and avoid some more. There are special challenges that will unlock extra cars if you finish all of them. But now I think it's time to retire this game for a while. The question now is what should I waste my time on?
People are always at odds about where the South is. I guess it's due to the visuals that the South is supposed to being to mind. Overalls, toothless smiles, jugs of moonshine, and yet there's always a blonde in cutoffs and a ponytail that nobody would pass buy.
After visiting Mom in TN this past weekend, I believe I found the measuring post by which you can tell if you're in the South. It's actually pretty simple. Go to Wal-Mart (they're everywhere in the South, so if there's no Wal-Mart within 20 minutes you're either in the North or the Deep South). At some point while in Wal-Mart you will hear an announcement over the P.A., and this is the key. Someone will eventually be called to the Toy Department. Usually it is something like "Barbera to Toys." If you're in the South, it will sound like they said "Bar Ber Ah Too Toe Wheeze."
In every Wal-Mart I can remember going to, I always hear "Toe Wheeze" in the announcement. Gotta love that accent (or "Ax Cent").
I awoke early this morning, due in part to a freaky dream involving newborns and a Rubbermaid container with 4 snakes in it, but the two had nothing to do with each other, and it's really a story best left for some other day. After an hour of not being able to go back to sleep, I finally turned on the tv to find that Morgan County was under a winter weather alert. I tuned in to our local "the sky is falling" weather experts, and saw that they were predicting a frosting of snow for the early daylight hours. I managed to fall back asleep soon thereafter and fitfully finished a couple hours of light dozing.
Upon awaking (for real) to the dulcet tones of the Tom Joyner Morning Show, I clicked on the tv to see what was going on outside. It sounds odd, but I keep my windows well covered so it's much easier to turn on the tv than to open a door or peek through a curtain. The local "sky is falling, etc." weather reporters had their "Winter Storm 2006" graphic up. And the top story: There was no snow.
I would bet that at least 350 days of the year, we get no snow. Today, it was the top story.
That had people out in the field in Decatur. There was a slight drizzle, but no snow. In fact, it was 40° in Decatur. But no snow. They went on for a good 4 or 5 minutes about how there was no snow.
I can see it now at the end of March when the temperature suddenly rockets up to 70°: Heatwave 2006.
Oh, the #2 story this morning: VP Dick Cheney was coming to Priceville for an invitation only fund raiser. A visit from Cheney beat out by "No Snow".
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
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