Poor Mans Gil Gerard


It is one of my primary jobs in life to make Jerry cock his head and wonder why I say the things I do. In an otherwise innocent email, he asked if I had brought my lunch to work, and in replying I said no, I had not brought my lunch today, also Greg Evigan's birthday. Not having his finger on the pulse of pop culture, he couldn't quite place where Greg Evigan fit into the big picture.

BJ and the Bear, My Two Dads, that Sci Fi series Shatner wrote. You know, he's the poor man's Gil Gerard.

So then he asks "Who's the rich man's Gil Gerard?"

Well everybody knows that. It's Robert Urich.


Jer Ails


My good close personal friend Jer is sick. Sniveling coughing sneezing sick. He is trying to recoup at home, which is good in a way as this won't spread whatever death begotten virus he has to his valued coworkers, me in particular.

I only hope he's taking this chance as he convalesces to play his Xbox. The interesting part here is that we had a company pizza party meeting Friday in which Jer managed to take home a couple of extra Xbox games along with a super cool Viewsonic projector. Co-inky-dink or just good timing on his part? Hmmmm, we may never know.

My Feminine Side


The weekend found Gina and myself taking a trip to Michaels to take advantage of a super dooper sale they're having to celebrate Columbus Day. I enjoy browsing stores like this since it gives me ideas that I end up drawing on for some home decorating project months later. Ginaq went off to pick up the things she came for while I wandered the aisles of frames, shadow boxes, and miscellaneous art supplies.

After looking at the scale models, I found Gina enamored in a small section of discounted goods, but alas, all was not well. She had been unable to find elastic. Elastic, her primary reason for coming. She looked to me pleadingly, somehow knowing that since I was raised by my mother in the fabric stores of the South, I would just know where the elastic was.

I'm a guy. A big, burly guy. A big, manly, burly guy. Sure, I don't drink beer, and I might watch 1 football game in a season, but just because of that is no reason... oh look, there's the elastic. It's right behind Gina, maybe 3 feet away. Damn my mutant, mother endowed abilities of finding things in the stores of women! Fabric, patterns, elastic, snaps and buttons, I can find them all regardless of whether I want to or not!

I'll just sulk off and get myself a nice hot chocolate... I mean, beer.

No, I really meant hot cholcolate. But a manly hot chocolate.


Wrestling Games


I was a little late coming in to work this morning as I was watching a show on g4techtv (I hate it when channels merge) that was counting down the top 10 wrestling games as voted on by their viewers. Seeing the games that made the top 10, I'm hoping that viewers were given a list of 10 games and asked to rank them, because at least 2 of them: Legends of Wrestling 2 and Backyard Wrestling, absolutely suck.

The top 2 came down to No Mercy on the N64, and the latest Smackdown title on the PS2. No Mercy has had a fan following since it came out in '99, while each iteration of Smackdown gets better story lines and an upgrade in the graphics engine. Smackdown came out on top, which only served to remind me that I have less than a month before the next incarnation is available.

video games wrestling

Day of Meeting


The Day of Mourning has been followed by a day full of meetings, although it's only 2 meetings. The first meeting had an interesting play on words, though.

I can't go into too much detail, because who knows how classified all the stuff we were talking about really is. I've got to make sure I don't get my security clearance revoked!

We were trying to decide who had what permissions for each version of the product. At some point, coworker A asked "Do we have to keep up with the status per version?". At this point I looked at him and asked, "perversion?". Seeing as how it was the third hour of being in a room with these people, I thought this was much funnier than it really was.

Hopefully my brain will recover by tomorrow.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
Amazon (12)
antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
Battletech (1)
belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
diet (53)
dreams (7)
fallout (1)
feng shui (1)
Foundry (3)
Gale Force Nine (1)
game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
gaslands (10)
gastric sleeve (34)
Green Stuff World (2)
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hobbies (102)
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kevin smith (1)
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malifaux (2)
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mckays (1)
models (11)
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movies/tv/dvd (60)
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ttcombat (12)
video games (51)
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work (6)
wrestling (45)
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Zombicide Invader (19)
zombie mall (23)