It's been a month since I restarted my spam count after finding that Yahoo mail spams get deleted after a month. In the past month I've gone from 0 to 6867 pieces of spam. That's actually a little lower than the max from last time, where it topped out at 6946.
So, what has all of this shown? I'm on a lot of mailing lists? I've got too much time on my hands if I'm counting spam? All ofthe above?
Last week I got my latest gadget, the Linksys Wireless Music System. I had been investigating (ok, so I had made Jerry investigate) the available wireless music solutions available for my home, and this one seemed to be the prime candidate for me. It was by the same manufacturer as my wireless router. It had a display that pleased me. It used Musicmatch for it's mp3 server, which I don't normally use but I could live with it.
Unfortunately, this thing sucks.
Installation did not go well. You pop the install cd into your pc, connect the player via an ethernet cable to set everything up, and if you're me, you get a "device not found" error and can install nothing further. I'm evidently the only person to get this message, because a quick scour of the internet, normally my friend, revealed nothing. There's not an option to skip this step, or to continue installing the software, instead just a big old middle finger from the computer to mock me.
My internet scouring did reveal a review were someone said they set up everything through the player and I found that I could do that. But if there was any software the computer needed, I was still hosed. But eventually everything was running. Sort of.
I set the player in my bedroom, maybe 60 feet and 3 walls from the router. The player found the computer it was to connect to and I could browse through my available songs. I pressed play and the buffer would start to fill and the song would play. For about 20 seconds. Then the buffer would freak out and might start playing again, or it might not. The first song tried and tried and could only play the first minute before it got lost searching for the rest. After half an hour, I finally turned it off. I tested again yesterday and actually got it to play a whole song, after which it sat there silently until I remembered it was one. I then got the remote and tried to turn it off. After 5 attempts I finally just walked over and pushed the power button.
Now I've got to decide if it's time to go to plan B, and if plan B will really be worth it.
Last week I finished, or at least said I was finished, with my learning how to paint experiment. I've finally gotten the pictures of how it progressed ready:
From left to right:
I've been trying to finish up the million other little things around the house this week. I've screwed more things into walls in the past 3 days than I ever have. I wonder if that sounds as dirty as my tired mind makes it out to be?
I've still got to build the shelves (and then stock them with everything I've crammed into a closet for temporary holding of said stuff. After mooving the shelves-to-be into the room, I'm pretty sure it's going to take a good chunk of a weekend to put the blasted things together. They're heavy!
I've managed to keep track of my server logs for over the past year. My favorite analysis tool has been Weblog Expert, it has just enough info and charts to be informative, yet not overwhelming. One of the most informative things I've seen is what people are searching for that leads them to my humble site:
Hmmm, if you combine babe of the day and "babe of the day", that would turn out to be 189 people. TNA wrestling, which I thought would die a horrible death after seeing the inaugural show 2 years ago, is the next most popular search. That also leads to my most linked to picture, which is Toby Keith suplexing Jeff Jarret.
Some of the stuff I just don't get. Wrestler's Wives? Lingerie Wrestling (which I think may have been a match at the first TNA event)? This doesn't show some of my favorites that only show up once or twice:
I feel like I run more of a porn site then a blog. So, until you find Stephen Hawking stripping in cages with wrestling bimbos, keep on searching that net!
programming/interweb wrestling
I'm not the fashion police, god knows I'm not the bessed dresser around, but I think I have a good opinion on what certain body types shouldn't wear. It's also not often that a piece of clothing comes along that it seems absolutely nobody looks good in. Capri pants, pedal pushers, cropped pants, call them what you will, but I have yet to see anyone wearing a pair of these that looks good in them.
Yesterday was a good example. I was out doing some shopping and was noticing the pants women were wearing. An inappropriately large portion were wearing the aforementioned capri/pedal/cropped pants. The main feature of these pants is that they tend to make women's legs look bigger. Pants stopping at the largest portion of the calf seem to accentuate how big the calf is. God forbid they're wearing a version that's tight and cropped at the knee - it usually looks like someone is squeezing a giant sausage through the pants.
It's not just the big and beautiful crowd that's erring here. Your typical midriff showing high school hottie has a hard time pulling off wearing these pants. And why do they always show up in orange? The worse offender is when there is a top to go with the pants that have some matching embroidered design. If you're under 60, and don't want to look over 60, you should stay away from this combination.
Ok, rant over. Just go put on some shorts and be done with it.
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
Amazon (12)
antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
Battletech (1)
belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
diet (53)
dreams (7)
fallout (1)
feng shui (1)
Foundry (3)
Gale Force Nine (1)
game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
gaslands (10)
gastric sleeve (34)
Green Stuff World (2)
Hasslefree (9)
Hero Forge (1)
hobbies (102)
Jailbirds Minis (2)
kevin smith (1)
Knight Models (2)
malifaux (2)
Marvel Crisis Protocol (2)
mckays (1)
models (11)
mom (32)
moon light (5)
movies/tv/dvd (60)
Necromunda (4)
ninja division (1)
Pathfinder Deepcuts (1)
pilonidal cyst (5)
plastcraft (2)
programming/interweb (41)
rambling (60)
random (366)
random maintenance (3)
Reaper Bones (3)
reaper chronoscape (32)
renovation/remodelling (25)
road trip (27)
salesforce (1)
sarissa precission (2)
scenery (19)
Star Wars Legion (1)
studio miniatures (3)
ttcombat (12)
video games (51)
walking dead (36)
wargame foundry (3)
work (6)
wrestling (45)
zombicide (2)
Zombicide Invader (19)
zombie mall (23)