.Net = .Hell


I've managed to put it off for at least the past 8 months, but it's finally caught up to me. I'm learning .NET.

I'm trying to keep an open mind. After all, I learned ASP when I was at DeltaCom and it wasn't the end of the world. I even did a little .NET stuff at the end of last year and I survived. The only thing instilling fear and trepidation is that this time I have to make something from scratch. Ooooh crap.

Right now I'm going through one of the O'reilly books online - ASP.NET in a Nutshell - and it's going better than I originally thought. I figure going through and learning all the details like a newbie might help my attitude. I even did the Hello WOrld program. The key will be to see if I can actually make something that will work from all of this.

Red Enough


Saturday brought an end to the "Russ Learns To Paint" experiment. After a coat of primer and 4 coats of actual paint, the walls were a uniform (enough) shade of red for me to call it done. I should have some pics of how things progressed tomorrow!

Unfortunately, there were things I never thought of. The strength of latex bonding to the tape I had around the baseboards and door was one. Fortunately, I went around the edges with a razor before things got ripped too far apart. The sieve of a drop cloth that old sheets can be was another, now seeing that I have splotches of red and pink (the primer) here and there. Maybe I'll be able to clean it up, but I'm not very hopeful. I hated that carpet anyway, even though I wasn't planning on replacing it until next year.

Yep, the next time I'm painting, somebody else is going to do it.

GMC Commercial


There's a GMC commercial that shows car and truck bodies being flung to the ground, only to eventually see that these are ideas some designer is tossing (presumambly because they're not good enough). I've really gotten hooked on the music in the background, and like many others I've been trying to track down the original music, because in this age of the internet, that's what people do. Although GMC has been claiming this is an original piece, a high school junior has recreated it, and done a really good job!


Quick Link


If you're going to shoplift a store, don't fill out a job application beforehand. If you do, would you like to see people make fun of you?

I Appreciate You


Last week I got a big kick out of an auction for some toy space ships from Space: 1999 on eBay. The auction was posted by a guy in Japan, who evidently used an online service to translate his Japanese to English for posting on his auction. As a bonus, he was giving 3 mini-movie-posters (selectable from 9 available) to the winner of the auction.

Here's the text of the listing (the images haevn't been archived anywhere...):

This is EAGLE : Transporter, Rescue and Hawk.
This is SPACE1999 series presented by Konami TOY.
It is ATSB-PVC(acetyl tridutil citrate)
But not use phthalate.
I send sealed in plastic.
Sorry , there is not TOY Packege.

Condition is NEW.
One toy Size is about 12x5 cm or 5x2 inches

I send JAPANESE MOVIE FLYER( Mini poster 18x26 cm or 7x10 inches ) together to you.
I appreciate you.
I choose three sheets.
If you hope,you can choose.
When you pay,Please choose three sheets via PAYPAL message or email.
I do them in the roll.

There is so much there that brings joy to my life. The latest sayings in the office have become "I appreciate you" and "If you hope, you can choose", followed distantly by "I do them in the roll".

Now I'm keeping an eye out for the next batch of auctions from this guy. I appreciate him.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

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