Unpacking Is A Pain


I managed to spend a couple of hours last night unpacking, cleaning up what I was unpacking, and straightening out the mess caused by unpacking. I think part of my disorganization comes from still having furniture and just general junk scattered about as I stay ready for the eventual painting of the innards (those blasted vacationing rednecks have not released my vocabulary yet!) of the house.

Today's picture is one of the few that Gina took while we were at the beach. As you can tell, she's much better at taking pictures than I am, which wouldn't make me angry if it weren't for me buying a $700 camera so that I could take better pictures!!! Bitter? Me? Nyah.

Is a nice flower pic, though....

Vacation... Over.


I've finally made it back home from a week of sand and surf at the Gulf Coast. I haven't been to the beach for a whole week before. Although the getaway was nice, my timing was a little off. I managed to get there along with a lot of other clans of rednecks (or near-rednecks, at least). Makes me think of how big a swimming hole that there ocean is!

Now I'm trying to get settled back in at home. It's amazing how unpacking, or trying to unpack, can make a huge mess. How can a week's worth of stuff, compressed into a bag, decrompress and take up so much more room than it did before it was ever packed? It's a quandry, I tell you!

Vacation, All I ever wanted...


Yes, official vacation time is finally here. At 9:00 Saturday morning I pack up and jaunt headfirst to Da Beach for a funfilled week of sand, surf, and shrimp.

Being the nerd that I am, I'm packing the essentials:

The hard part to remember are all the power plugs and adapters that I need to take to keep all that stuff working.

So, enjoy the lack of updates, as I shouldn't be near internet access. The image up by the logo should change on Wednesday. You'll still get a new babe every day. Most importantly, Jer should be back with his post hiking updates!

Mozilla, IE, and Submitting Forms


Today is brought to you by the letter "D", because I was reminded of something that maybe me yell "Dammit". A lot.

This is one of those posts that's mainly a codeing reminder for myself later, so I can say "I told me so."

Lately I've been using images as submit buttons for forms on web pages. It makes things look nicer, and it generally works pretty well. I have a habit of teting (in PHP) the length of the button name to see if the form was submitted. It's an old trick I learned when I first started making web pages, and it's been a hard habit to break. Everything works just like I expect it to, as long as I'm using Mozilla (or Netscape).

My problem is borne when using Microsoft Internet Explorer. It seems IE doesn't pass along the name of the button (or image object) which is submitting the form. I've run into this at leat twice before, but I seem to keep forgetting it. So, what do I do? If I find out that this happens too late in the web development life cycle (like today, when the site should be done in 2 weeks and I've been working on it for 2 months), I go back and make a hidden fieled with the original name of the submit button/image and use an onClick event to change the value of said hidden field to something usable. This works, I've just got to go back and track down all my submit buttons.

Yeesh, what a fun day.



This has been one of those weeks where on the surface there didn't seem to be much to do, but I've managed to be kept more busy than I would have thought.

Continuing from the Prince concert high from last week, I downloaded a trio of Prince albums from the NPG Music Club. The albums (or maybe they're collections) are C-Note, The Slaughterhouse, and Chocolate Invasion. The latter is my favorite so far, as I seem to be hooked on at least 3 of the songs. I also picked up the One Nite Alone Box Set at my local Best Buy yesterday.

So now I have a lot of Prince to catch up on while I do regular work, extra website work, and think about the wrestling game in the background. It makes me glad I've got a vacation coming up Friday. At 5:00. Sharp.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
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Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
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belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
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dreams (7)
fallout (1)
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game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
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