The Camtoon Saga Continues


After more than 6 months, there's finally a new camtoon. Odds are you (like me) have forgotten what'ss upposed to be going on, so it may make more sense if you read the beginning of this 3-parter.

Undoubtedly, Jerry is crapping his pants after seeing that there's finally a finish to the camtoon story that was trying to put itself together. This one, at least, gives me a good point on where the camtoon may branch out to. I've been wanting to use more of my super hero figures (I may have almost as many as wrestlers), but I've been a little wary ever since Marvel went on the warpath for people using their likenesses. I don't want to be sued by Stan Lee! That would just royally suck.

So, get ready for another extended camtoon absence. I've got a wrestling game to make!



Last nite was a good nite for watching Raw. They're still building hype for the upcoming Wrestlemania in 2 weeks, so the matches and storylines are building up pretty good.

There's been a rumor that The Rock would return to team with Mick Foley for a match against Randy Orton and Batista for a month or two now, but the closer Wrestlemania was getting, the less hype there seemed to be about The Rock. All that changed last night as the great one returned to the ring to announce he and Mick would be going against Batista, Orton, and Ric Flair at Wrestlemania.

The old school fan in me got a little chill as everything came together. It looks like it should be a good match. It's got people with chemistry working with and against each other. Oh sure, The Rock has to shove all of his old trademarks into the match, but after close to a year it will be good to see a Rock Bottom and some People's Elbows, if I smell what he's cookin' (oh, and I do).

It may be for one nite only, but the return of the Rock-n-Sock Connection should stir things up a little.

Work From Home Day


I awoke at 8:30 this morning to the sound of a ringing cell phone. It was my good close personal friend Jer, calling to tell me something that was probably important (and if he's reading this, I remember every word of our conversation, I just don't want the general public to know). I had managed to not set the alarm when going to bed (at 1:30 in the morning). Thanks to a weekend cold making feel like doing pretty much nothing, I was off my gameplan. Since I had slept late, and was still a little groggy, I voted that today be a Work From Home Day!

That's one of the best things about my job. You can occasionaly have a Work From Home Day. Now most people would think it's a Goof Off At Home Day, but the beauty of it is that I can actually manage to get some work done. I sync things between computers fairly regularly, so it's nice to sit back at home and work on the big computer and accomplish something when the opportunity allows.

It's also a good way to celebrate the end of Black History Month (up with whitey!).

Early Birthdayness


I got what will probably be the coolest thing I can get for my birthday yesterday. Belinda got me a copy of WWE Unscripted. This is one of those books that I knew I would want when it came out, but I've been waiting for the eventual drop in price at the local bookstores.

Why might this be the best present ever?

It's like the perfect surprise! I've already thumbed through the book once. It's one of those to pick up, look at a few pages, then put down again until later.

Yep, I'll be browsing this one for a while!

Lego Force


Thanks to the internet, you can find all sorts of people that share what you would consider an obscure hobby. Usually they're dorky hobbies, but those are the things that appeal to me.

Case in point: making Star Wars items from Legos. It doesn't seem that odd (it's a pretty good niche market, I think), until you see the custom things people have done. My favorite so far is the Death Star interior. The scale and detail of this one just amazes me. A quick counter to this is a mini Death Star, but I can still appreciate that it's not the easiest thing in the world to make. Another Death Star has much more detail.

I've limited myself to the X-Wing and Land Speeder Lego sets, with no customization. Luckily, I don't think I need another hobby just yet.

Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
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Batman Miniature Game (2)
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belt sander (12)
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books/comics (19)
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conveyances (15)
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