It's been a busy week, as such I'm WAAAAY late posting an update.
I neglected to mention it, but I actually bought the pistol I was looking at and investigating a couple of weeks ago. For my birthday last Wednesday, I decided to be nerdy and celebrate with:40 .40 @ 40 on my 40
Not the most intuitive title, but I'll explain as:
40 (shots of my)
.40 (caliber pistol)
@ 40 (with the target at 40 ft)
on my 40 (on my 40th birthday)
I would have gone shooting at 4:40 if I had been thinking properly nerdly enough. Oh well.
Here's how my shooting's been going:
I've now been successfully shooting 3 times and have not blown my fool head off. I'm marking that down as a plus!
I have toys. Lots and lots of toys. Video games, wrestling figures, comics, board games. I could have more, in fact I used to have more, but over the years I've tried to cull down what I get and keep to those things that I actually use, or as in the case of 70 Stormtrooper figures, things that look really cool.
In the ResGen days we used to play games like Warhammer and Frag, and it was cool because JD would make the most awesomest maps to play on. Awesomest may not be a proper word, but it really gets across the awesomnisity of the maps. One of the things that got me hooked on Heroquest is the map-tiles. They're just cool.
I've seen different mods for Heroscape tiles to make them more realistic. For the Star Wars Miniatures game, there are sites specializing in paper models and scenery to give it the 3D feel. All of these are cool, and I've tried a couple of them, but I don't really have the time/focus/energy to do these things well, or well enough to play with afterward.
On of the sites that's been around for a while that I've drooled over is Dwarven Forge. They offer prebuilt/molded, hand painted terrain for 28mm games - 28mm is the standard for most of the miniature games I play (D&D, Star Wars, even Heroscape). After playing Robo Rally Saturday I started thinking about our next game to play, and Frag is a front runner. Although Frag comes with paper maps, JD printed a base map on a vinyl printer, then constructed walls and elevated walkways which made the game... awesomelier than ever. Dwarven Forge has a sci-fi set that Frag would work with...
My birthday is coming up, and that would make a really cool present for myself. So I loaded up the online cart and purchased myself some Dwarven Forgeness. Much to my shock, the order I placed on Sunday arrived on Tuesday.
I think we're probably set for the next game, but it's hard to not place another order. And even then I have to make sure I don't get carried away on the Fantasy side of their wares.
action figures/toys boardgames
Yesterday there was snow on the ground in the morning. Most of the snow was gone by 10:00AM.
Today I was home in bed with a sinus cold. There is still a little snow in the shade in front of the house.
I have no idea what tomorrow holds. I would be fine with no more snow nor sinus cold.
This weekend I marked off one of the tasks that's been on my list of things to do:
I had ordered 10 96-CD/DVD Storage Cases in January. They were backordered, but arrived a couple of weeks ago. Saturday night I began transferring TV series into the storage cases. Being the big dork that I am, I scoured the interweb and printed out little logos for the binder spines to mark which shows were in which binder. After 4 hours of filling up storage cases, I realized I have a lot of TV series. I have so many TV series that not all of them fit into 10 boxes of 96. I managed to box-up the following:
No longer being produced
Still in production
Each storage box holds 4 binders of 24 cd/dvds. Not each binder is completely full, but most are within 2 or 3 dvds of being full. That's a lot of dvds. I've still got a couple of shelves of current series (Heroes, Weeds, Dexter, etc) for which I ran out of binders. That being the cased, I ordered another 10 storage boxes, which, of course, are on backorder.
I have the weirdest hobbies.
movies/tv/dvd random
A couple of weeks back I went shooting and thoroughly enjoyed myself, which was good since I've been getting closer to following through on my eventual gun purchase. This week I took another step, appropriate for a nerd, and got myself an instructional DVD that shows how to take care of the gun I'm aiming (oh yeah, pun intended!) on getting.
Skeeter showed me the proper handling and firing of a handgun, and I'm sure he would show me how to clean one, but I would be more comfortable, and I like to think considerate, in learning a little beforehand.
I'm not planning on buying the gun, going home and then immediately taking it apart.
Not planning on it, no sir.
As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).
Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?
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