By Request!


Due to some text messaging with WWE Jason, I found out that I need to post more pictures. So with that in mind...
Pyrex, the less breakable glass

Friday I was getting ready for work, trying to be good and making myself a salad instead of finding an excuse to go get some fast food. I made one of my Westar-heralded salads. Lettuce, cucumber, turkey, cheese, Ranch dressing, a dollop of bacon bits, portabello mushrooms. It takes 8 minutes to make my salad in the morning, I've got it down to a science. After I made my salad I put it on the counter, then went to look under my computer bag to get my little lunch bag into which I would put my salad along with a fork and something to drink. While moving teh computer bag, I noticed that something slid.

That something was the above pictured salad. The Pyrex bowl fell 3 feet to the kitchen floor. I was expecting a thud followed by the bowl bouncing around. Instead I got a thump as the Pyrex shattered and the salad was set free to road the kitchen floor. I stared at floored salad, the 5-second rule quickly running through my head, followed quickly by the thoughts of eating Pyrex. I cursed the broken Pyrex, for not only was my salad ruined, but since there was Ranch dressing on the floor I was forced to clean it up immediately. 8 minutes. Wasted.

As I cleaned, I noticed the way the Pyrex had broken. I've had a lot of broken glass in the house over the past few years, with the last coming from a frame in the hallway I bumped into on my way out one morning; An event I didn't clean up until after I got back from work, since broken glass doesn't stink up the housed. Curse you Ranch dressing! But I digress. The Pyrex had broken into chunks, kind of like safety glass would (I think). In fact, looking at the picture the broken chunks of Pyrex look a lot like ice. The Pyrex, along with the salad, swept up easily. I had to run the Swiffer afterwards to (hopefully) clean up whatever liquid residue the salad may have left. After all the cleaning, I really didn't want to make another salad, so I made the guys at work go to lunch with me to Schlotzsky's. I did not have a sandwich at Schlotzsky's.

I had a sammich. I large sammich. A great big $10 sammich. And it was a goooooood sammich.

We'll see how successful my salad gets made this Friday.


Do You Need A Lobby For Your Hobbies?


This is a summary of conversations I've had with Jerry over the past year. Or three.

When is a hobby not a hobby? How often have you had a hobby slip to the wayside, yet still consider it a hobby? Do you have to go to a hobby store for something to be considered a hobby? Well I'm here to tell you the Russellmania Rules of Hobbydom that will let you know when your hobby really is a hobby.

For example purposes, I will use my collecting of original comic book art as a test to see if it is a hobby.

Criteria #1 - The majority of people can't do it. Watching TV isn't a hobby. Reading isn't a hobby (in general, there are exceptions). The "majority of people" are considered people within your peer group, not the world population. In my example, I am the only person I know that collects comic art, thus it meets the first criteria.

While "reading" isn't considered a hobby, specialized reading may be. If you only read mysteries or sci-fi, then that could count, too.

Criteria #2 - you have to spend money on it. Mowing the grass isn't a hobby if all your friends live in apartments. These are chores. According to eBay, that comic art is costing me money.

Criteria #3 - you have to actively pursue it for more than a month. Ah, the minimum time requirement. I went out once and bought a lot of miniature gaming pieces for a game that looked interesting. Over the course of a week I spent $100 and got the rules and everything I needed to play it. Then it all sat on a shelf. Instead of a hobby, I had an impulse purchase. The comic art example covered at least 5 years, so the hobby definition is still good!

Criteria #4 - you have to spend money on a regular basis. The regular basis part can be a bit fuzzy. General there will be some type of monthly payment involved (cable bills don't count!). At the very least money should be spent annually. I haven't bought any comic art in over a year, so here I would say that my example no longer qualifies as a hobby, but for 3 years I was actively seeking out and purchasing art work, so at that time it was a hobby.

But what if it's not a hobby? In my example, my hobby has slipped to a pastime. Pastimes are hobbies that are infrequent and/or cost little money. Once you slip to no regular activity and spending no money, it becomes a fond remembrance. But that's a story for another post.

Taking this into account for Jerry:

For myself:

There's all kind of loopholes, but this is a work in progress. Hmmm, I bet "work" needs to be in there too. I bet that's where web pages fit! Sometimes.


SWM Looking For: More Hours In A Day


The following is a "Mom, I'm Alive" post.

Busy busy busy.  That's me.  Here's what all I'm trying to do:

At least I finally went and saw Dad this past weekend for the first time since Thanksgiving. I always seem to go see him around Mothers Day. I'm backward like that.

Remote Update


Since returning from the beach with my new (refurbished) Blu-Ray player, I've been hesitant to hook it up, mainly because it meant I would have to unhook one of my other HDMI linked components.  Either the Xbox Three hundred and Sixty or the Betamax-like HD-DVD player.  Not being one to unhook things, I found myself on the eBay and purchased an HDMI switcher.

Last night I started hooking all the components together, and along the way decided that there really were components I didn't need any longer.  VHS recorder: Not sure I ever used the one hooked up now.  GONE! 5-disc cd carousel: I haven't played a real cd anywhere but the car for at least a year. GONE!  Big honking receiver/amp hooked up to the cd player.  GONE!

Once all of my components that survived were re-hooked up, it was time for me to update my remote.  The reason I got the Harmony 880 remote was that the drivers (I guess commoners would call them instructions?) are downloaded form the interweb, so in my mind it will always be up-to-date and you shouldn't have to hope some generic numbered code will work for what you need.  I plugged the remote in to the PC, connected to Mr Logitech, and told them I now had a Blu-Ray player and Psyclone HDMI switcher.  Wham bam download you ma'am and I'm good to go.

I love it when technology uses its powers for good.


Spiritus Bound... Again


Dec 6, 2006: My last official day as an employee of Spiritus, Inc, due to funding cuts on the contract under which I was working.  The Boss' words to me as I was processed out were "I'm going to get you back, just give me some time."

Apr 22, 2008: I turn in my notice at Westar to let them know I'm going back to work at Spiritus.

Spiritus, and the group of people which constitute the company, was one of those places I like to be.  I liked working there, I liked the people, I liked the atmosphere.  My job at Westar as been a good job - atmosphere, people, the actual job.  But Jim has been the one boss I've had that I've wanted to be loyal to.  He was always upfront with me and I respected that.  When he told me back in 2006 that he was going to bring me back, there was part of me that believed him, but another part that said "yeah, sure".  I found out back in November that I was still on the payroll (but not drawing a check, obviously).  Shadiva, in charge of the payroll, would ask Jim if she should take me off, to which he would say "no, you're just going to have to put him back on again later."  That pinged the loyalty thought in my head a little harder once I heard that.

When Jim called me 6 weeks ago and said that my old job might be opening back up if I was interested, I had to think hard about it.  There was no active reason for me to leave my current job.  Like I said, I enjoy my job.  It's not a place I was looking to leave.  But an opportunity was opening up.  And then there was that loyalty thing.  So I made a list of questions (6 in all), and I went and talked to Jim.  If he said "yes" to my 6 questions, going back would be the right thing to do.  At the end of our talk, I had 6 check marks next to "yes", along with 2 more that had popped up during our talk.

After that, the gears of progress ground (grinded?) and I got word that I would indeed be Spiritus bound again.  Thankfully, I think, I'm going to still be working at Westar part-time/at night until they find my replacement or get tired of me.  Or until Jim changes his mind and decides I take up too much room.


Blog Archive

As always, correct spelling is optional in any blog entry. Keep in mind that any links more than a year old may not be active, especially the ones pointing back to Russellmania (I like to move things around!).

Tags have been added to posts back to 2005. There may be an occasional old blog that gets added to the tag list, but in reality what could be noteworthy from that far back?

Blog Tags

3D Printer (27)
4ground (32)
4ground-mall (40)
action figures/toys (10)
airbrush (7)
Aliens (1)
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antenocitisworkshop (11)
Atlas O Gauge (2)
Batman Miniature Game (2)
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belt sander (12)
Blood Bowl (4)
boardgames (77)
books/comics (19)
computers hate me (5)
conveyances (15)
diet (53)
dreams (7)
fallout (1)
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game dev (22)
gaming miniatures (230)
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